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Harvey 2k17!!

This past week I have been at a camp called Harvey Cedars Bible Conference in LBI. I've gone every year since the summer after my freshman year and had always had a blast. This year was different. Since the loss of my friend, the sadness and confusion had been on my heart. I would cry and say to myself, why? Why did this happen to such an amazing boy? I knew going to Harvey this year would be different since this loss had effected our whole church community. Going into the week, I was anxious not knowing what was going to happen. As the week began, it was a lot of fun and laughs. At the end of the week though, the emotions of what had happened set in. One of the songs that the band played on the last night was called "It is well with my soul". This is a song I hold close to my heart. In the moment I broke down and cried. All the damage and tragedy this year has brought has shaken lives up. However, I know God is the constant. It will always be well. Nothing is ever going to be put in our plate that we can't handle. Harvey was eye opening and an amazing reminder just how big, how wide, and how deep the love for us is. No matter what happens, it is well.

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