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so... finals huh?

To start off, hi! I know I've been M.I.A. but trust me I have good reasoning. I have been in school and wow has it been an adventure. Right now, I am sitting on my bed at school, procrastinating. Cause what else do I do best besides sleeping? hahaha. Anyways, the first semester of my freshman year has flown by. Literally like in the blink of an eye. I've been through the good, the bad, and the ugly. I have been overwhelmed, stressed, full of happiness, full of sadness, and many MANY more emotions. Though a lot has happened, I still am the happy girl I was starting college on August 28. Finals are kicking my butt at the moment. 2 breakdowns in 3 days is just not my style. As I was scrolling on Facebook, I came across this video. I CRIED LIKE A BABY! I'm going to be honest, when I tell my friends I'm going to drop out of school or that I don't think I have it in me, I really don't. I want to give up and say hey school, I'm throwing in my towel. But this video made me feel something. As much as school and the work that comes with it sucks, I want this. I want this so badly and I am not going to give up on my dream! I want to be able to be like the nurse in that video who was there for a dying patient and to be that hand to hold. School isn't going to get any easier, but I can get stronger. This semester did not end up going exactly how I planned, but I am not going to give up hope. I am going to come back better than ever and say hey people I'm in this to get a degree and no one is going to stop me. In the moments of pure weakness and total vulnerability, I cry and that's okay because this was not meant to be easy. So that's where I am today on this snow day!! But I can't wait to go home for a month and spend time relaxing and enjoying my family and friends. :) PS. this picture is here cause I learned how to successfully take blood pressure!!

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